Tagged: moon prep

Rising Researchers – Winter Research Intensive Course

During Rising Researchers, a Winter Research Intensive Course, students will explorethe use of computing and statistical tools for health equity research under the guidance of a scientist from UMass. This is a 8-week online winter research class with four learning units organized by themes. The course is… Read More

Application iQ

Spend your summer working on all the elements of your college applications, including the essays, and start the fall semester with a head start over your classmates. Students benefit from fast-paced and productive live, online classes led by a team of experienced college counselors. Join from anywhere. Every class is… Read More

Rising Researchers – Summer Research Intensive Course

During Rising Researchers, a Summer Research Intensive Course, students will explore microbiology and bioinformatics under the guidance of a scientist from UMass. This is a 4-week online summer research class with four learning units organized by themes. The course is designed to provide students with an introduction… Read More

Join Moon Prep on an Essay Editing Session!

What can you offer the colleges, besides the numbers? This is where your essay comes in. It turns you into a three-dimensional person and helps you stand out from a crowded field of applicants. Writing the personal statement—and even just brainstorming a topic—can be a struggle for high school students. Read More