• Does Moon Prep only work with students pursuing BS/MD programs or medical school?

    Nope, we work with everyone! We can assist with all undergraduate and graduate admissions applications and essays.

    Over 90% of our students are pursuing BS/MD: This is our specialty. We even compiled all of our knowledge in the book, “BS/MD programs: A Comprehensive Guide.” However, the typical approach we recommend for BS/MD candidates is to split their college list between traditional undergraduate colleges and BS/MD programs. The reason for this is that many top colleges do not offer BS/MD programs. The only Ivy League to offer a BS/MD program is Brown University. 

    All of our counselors can assist with traditional undergraduate programs and graduate programs. They have extensive experience in these areas.

  • What makes a candidate competitive for a BS/MD program?
    • High GPA with many APs and other challenging courses (course rigor matters)
    • Top percentile on the SAT/ACT
    • Two types of medical-based experience:
      1. Clinical experience
      2. Research-based experience

    Top-tier BS/MD programs will also look for:

    • Published research 
    • Taking your research experience and competing in science fairs
    • Winning/placing at the school science fair
    • Winning/placing at the state science fair
    • Competing on a regional and national level
    • Making an impact in your local community
    • Making a global impact and bettering the world at large


    Additional Resources:

    Getting Accepted Into A Direct Medical Program From High School: It Can Be Done!

    Tips on Getting Accepted to BS/MD Programs

  • What grade levels do you work with?

    We start coaching students (and parents) as early as eighth grade.

  • Why should I hire Moon Prep if my child’s high school has its own college counselor?

    The national student-to-counselor ratio is 482:1. According to experts, this proportion has remained virtually unchanged for nearly ten years.

    This ratio is not conducive to personalized attention, because when it comes time to apply to college, all of the students need help at once. Most students receive no more than 30 – 60 minutes of the counselor’s time.

    Even if you consider your child’s school different and the counselors are more involved, we have yet to meet a counselor who is working nights and weekends to edit your child’s essays. That is exactly what Moon Prep counselors do. We work with your schedule, including nights, early mornings, and weekend appointments.

    We believe this individualized attention is a necessity when it comes to gaining a competitive edge in the college admissions process.

  • How is Moon Prep different from a tutor?

    Have you heard of the phrase: “Jack of all trades, master of none”?

    That sums up most generic tutoring companies.

    Basically, going to a tutoring company for a specialized service such as college admissions is like going to a dentist for heart surgery.

    The same applies for BS/MD admissions. Moon Prep counselors specialize in this niche area. Other admissions companies might have a BS/MD student here and there, whereas the majority of each Moon Prep counselor’s caseload is BS/MD and medical school focused.

  • Do you work with students in person?

    We work with all students online using a combination of Zoom video calls, desktop sharing, phone calls, and emails.

    This allows for greater flexibility; we can accommodate a variety of schedules and time zones.

    Working remotely allows our team to maximize your investment by only utilizing the time needed to complete tasks and guide the applications to the finish line. Remote work provides the greatest amount of efficiency and effectiveness for your family.

  • What is Moon Prep's pricing?

    Our prices range from $170 – $300+ per hour.

    We do require a non-refundable retainer fee of $7,000. Hourly rates are deducted from the retainer. 

    The retainer balance never expires and is transferable.

    There are no limits on how the hours are used, some tasks a counselor can assist with include: college list guidance, applications, personal statement, supplemental essays, resume, interview prep, scholarships, financial aid, summer planning, and more.

  • How does billing work?

    Counselors bill for their time with the student: virtual meetings, essay editing, interview prep, etc. Online and offline time is billed at the same rate. 

    Twice a month, you will receive a detailed invoice with the date, length of meeting (down to the minute), and description of what was covered.

    The funds are then withdrawn from the retainer balance.

    Clients are required to keep a payment method on file. Once the retainer funds are used, we switch to pay-as-you-go at the same rate and unpaid balances default to the payment method on file.

    Clients can login at any time to see their retainer balance, hours used, and details of their account. Clients can also change their payment method on file at any time. All payment methods are securely stored and no team member can see the full credit card or bank account information. It is encrypted. 

  • Do you offer payment plans?

    Yes, we do offer payment plans.

  • Do you give refunds?

    The retainer fee is non-refundable. However, it never expires, can be transferred to a sibling, or used throughout college for services such as applying to internships, resume help, essay edits, and more.

  • Can siblings share a retainer?

    Yes, we do allow family members to share one retainer. This means they will have one billing account, one credit card/bank draft on file, and all hours will be deducted from that shared account. The siblings have the option to work with the same Moon Prep team member or different ones.

  • Do you offer single services such as essay editing?

    Yes. You are in full control of what areas of the admissions process you need help with.

  • Do hours ever expire?

    No, you can use the hours whenever and however you want. The hours do not expire.

  • Does Moon Prep offer any type of guarantee?

    We guarantee you will receive the highest level of service.

    In the past years, 94% of our students have gotten into one of their top 3 schools.

    But, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee your child will get accepted to any program or school. In fact, no counselor or company can legally guarantee this.

  • What makes Moon Prep different/better than the competition?

    We specialize in medicine, particularly direct medical programs (including BS/MD, BS/DO, BS/DDS, BS/DMD). No other company has the same level of expertise as the Moon Prep counselors in this specialized area.

  • What is the background of your counselors?

    Each counselor has varied experiences in the admissions process. Some counselors have gone through the medical school application themselves or worked in university admissions offices, while others have worked at elite boarding schools and high schools assisting students with their applications.

    The Moon Prep team has regular group calls, run by senior members of the team, where each student benefits from the collective knowledge of the team.

    Continual education, visiting universities, meeting with admissions staff, and writing for major publications help keep all the Moon Prep counselors at the top of their game.

  • Can you help with extracurricular activities and research?

    Yes. This is an area on which we place great importance. Grades are not enough to get into a top university. How students spend their time outside of the classroom is vital. Moon Prep counselors will help you build an impressive extracurricular resume.

    Rising Researchers is the sister company of Moon Prep. Rising Researchers was founded to fill a gap we continually saw with our aspiring BS/MD and Medical School candidates. Many research experiences were not open to younger students. Others lacked clear deliverables and often the experience was not worth the time and energy. Rising Researchers is a customizable research experience, with clear deliverables, and a STEM focus.

    Additional Resources: 

    How To Get Research Experience While Still In High School

    STEM-Focused Summer Programs For Ambitious High School Students

    Texas Tech Dean Gives Insider Advice How To Get Accepted To The Competitive Clark Scholars Program

    What Does It Take To Get Into The Ultra-Competitive Research Science Institute (RSI)?

    Prestigious Summer Camps (That Are FREE!) For Future Medical Doctors

  • Can you help me find summer opportunities?

    Yes. Moon Prep counselors help students narrow down opportunities, apply to competitive programs, secure physician shadowing, and participate in research over the summer.

    Additional Resources: 

    Resources For Students To Get Ahead This Summer

    What BS/MD Candidates Need To Do This Summer

    Summer Research Programs For Driven High School Students 

  • How many students does each counselor work with?

    Each counselor works with a limited number of students, typically 5-15 seniors at a time. 

    Since BS/MD and medical school applications are more intense than traditional applications, we ensure each counselor has an adequate amount of time set aside for each student they work with.

  • How much time does it take to complete the application process?

    On average:

    • Medical school students typically complete 20-35 applications. 60+ hours with a counselor
    • BS/MD students typically complete 20-30 applications. 40-50+ hours in their senior year with a counselor
    • Traditional undergraduate students, seeking admission at highly competitive colleges (Ivy League, top-tier) typically complete 15-20 applications. 40+ hours in their senior year with a counselor
    • Traditional undergraduate students, seeking admission at moderately competitive colleges, typically complete 8-15 applications. 20-30+ hours in their senior year with a counselor
    • Students looking to stay in-state/local typically complete 4-7 applications. 15-20+ hours in their senior year with a counselor
    • Graduate and Ph.D. candidate hours vary widely based on the number of programs to which they are applying

    Additional Resources: How does the BS/MD process differ from the traditional admissions? 

  • What schools have you had success getting into?

    The majority of Moon Prep students are seeking admission to top-tier BS/MD Programs and Ivy League schools. We have experience with all of these highly competitive programs.

    Here is a small sample of the schools our students have been accepted to in recent years:


    Augusta University
    Baylor University
    Brown University
    Case Western Reserve University
    The College of New Jersey
    Drexel University
    Florida Atlantic University
    George Washington
    Hofstra University
    New Jersey Institute of Technology
    Penn State University
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    Rochester Institute of Technology
    Rutgers University-Newark
    Saint Louis University
    Sophie Davis Biomedical Education Program
    SUNY Stony Brook University
    Texas Tech University
    Tulane University
    University of Houston
    University of Illinois at Chicago
    University of Pittsburgh
    University of Rochester
    Virginia Commonwealth University


    LECOM Partnered Programs
    Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
    Michigan State University
    Nova Southeastern University
    New York Institute of Technology
    Ohio University
    Rowan University
    Seton Hall University
    SUNY Old Westbury


    Adelphi University: New York University College of Dentistry
    Augusta University: Dental College of Georgia
    Case Western Reserve University: Case Western Reserve School of Dental Medicine
    Lehigh University: University of Pennsylvania Dental Medicine
    Muhlenberg College: University of Pennsylvania Dental Medicine
    New Jersey Institute of Technology: Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
    New York University: New York University College of Dentistry
    Nova Southeastern University: Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine
    University of Connecticut: University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine
    University of Detroit Mercy: University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry
    University of Toledo: Case Western Reserve School of Dental Medicine
    University of Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Dental Medicine
    Villanova University: University of Pennsylvania Dental Medicine

    Traditional Undergrad:

    Boston College
    Boston University
    Brown University
    Columbia University
    Cornell University
    Dartmouth University
    Emory University
    Georgia Tech
    Harvard University
    Johns Hopkins
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    New York University
    Northwestern University
    Princeton University
    Rice University
    Stanford University
    University of Chicago
    University of Pennsylvania
    UC Berkeley
    UC Davis
    UC Irvine
    UC Santa Barbara
    UC San Diego
    University of Chicago
    University of Southern California
    University of Michigan
    University of Notre Dame
    University of Virginia
    Vanderbilt University
    Washington University in St. Louis
    Yale University

    Medical Schools:

    Albany Medical College
    Albert Einstein College of Medicine
    Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
    Dartmouth College- Geisel School of Medicine
    Drexel University College of Medicine
    Emory University School of Medicine
    Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
    Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
    George Washington School of Medicine
    Georgetown University School of Medicine
    Keck School of Medicine of USC
    Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine
    Medical College of Georgia
    New York Medical College
    Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
    Penn State University College of Medicine
    Rush Medical College
    Stanford University School of Medicine
    Tufts University School of Medicine
    Tulane University School of Medicine
    University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine
    University of Illinois Carle College of Medicine
    University of Miami – Miller School of Medicine
    University of North Carolina School of Medicine (MD/PhD)
    Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

  • Can you help with interview prep?

    Yes. Moon Prep tutors can help students prepare for every type of interview. We have created multiple resources to help prepare our students for a traditional interview, BS/MD or medical school interview, as well as a Multiple Mini Interview (MMI). 

    Our counselors all have experience helping students prepare for interviews. Moon Prep students can participate in a recorded mock interview with their counselor. During the mock interview, the Moon Prep counselor will provide feedback and tips to succeed in the interview. Students can rewatch the interview to better prepare. 

    Additional Resource: What Pre-Med Students Can Expect From The MMI Interview

  • Do you help with Casper prep?

    Yes. Moon Prep tutors can help students prepare for situational judgment tests like Casper, PREview, or Duet. We have created multiple resources to help prepare our student for their situational judgment tests. 

    Our counselors have experience helping students prepare for Casper, PREview or Duet. Moon Prep students can participate in a recorded mock practice exam with their counselor. During the mock exam, the Moon Prep counselor will provide feedback and tips to succeed on test day. Students can rewatch the recording to better prepare. 


  • Can you help me build my college list?

    Yes. We can advise you on colleges and help you make the right decision. 

    Additional Resource: The Strategy Behind Building Your College List

    How To Build A Well-Rounded Direct Medical Program College List

  • Can I meet my Moon Prep counselor before signing up?

    Before signing up, families can schedule a free consultation with one of our Moon Prep counselors. During this video call, you can get a better understanding of the Moon Prep process and ask any questions you may have. 

  • Do you help with tutoring for standardized tests?

    We do have members of the Moon Prep team who tutor SAT and ACT. Student retainer hours can be used on both test prep or college admissions hours.