Application iQ

Ace Your Applications

Get a head start on your college applications this summer. Start the fall semester ahead of your peers.Start Early. Plan Ahead. Learn From The Pros. Get Accepted!

This exclusive BS/MD experience is for registered Moon Prep students only. 

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Application iQ Camp

  • Student profile: rising 12th grade (Direct Medical Applicants – BS/MD, BS/DO)
  • Schedule: 7 weeks long – meeting 1x a week 
  • Dates:  Every Thursday (7/18/2024 – 8/29/2024), 7:00-8:30p ET/4:00-5:30p PT
  • Topics covered:
    • The nuances of the BS/MD application process, including strategies for the medical-focused essay questions.
    • The week-by-week schedule can be found here.
  • Investment: Free (live sessions), Paid (offline editing of essays)
    • Free: Moon Prep students can attend the live sessions for free. Sessions are via Zoom, interactive, and will assist students in getting a head start on their applications and essays in a structured environment.
    • Paid: After each session, students will receive homework and work independently on drafts of their essays. All students are paired with a counselor/essay coach when they sign up. The offline essay edits/feedback will be billed at the hourly rate at sign up. 

Course syllabus and learning objectives can be found here 

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Starting Early Makes A Huge Difference

  • Spend your summer working on all the elements of your college applications, including the essays, and start the fall semester with a headstart over your classmates. 
  • Students benefit from fast-paced and productive live, online classes led by a team of experienced BS/MD college counselors.
  • Every class is recorded, and students receive a link to replay and review afterward.
  • Start early, make the most of your summer, and give yourself an edge in the highly-competitive BS/MD admissions process.

Before the Camp

  • Students will receive eBooks, templates, sample essays, and access to numerous resources to help guide them through the application process.
  • Students will receive pre-camp essay brainstorming assignments. The objective is for them to be productive from day one.

During the Camp

  • Application iQ camp is live, online, and led by a team of experienced BS/MD college counselors.
  • Classes are interactive, and students are encouraged to ask questions and participate.
  • In addition to the live, weekly classes, each student’s essays will be professionally edited offline, and they receive personalized guidance regarding their applications.
  • Students can expect homework each week and should plan to dedicate 4-5 hours per week for assignments.

What Students Will Accomplish

  • Insights into how the BS/MD process differs from traditional admissions
  • Understand what a BS/MD college list should look like and how many programs students typically apply to
  • BS/MD vs. BS/DO 
  • A roadmap and timeline for the complete application process
  • Tips and tricks on Common App completion + other applications
  • Understand the various ways to apply – Early Admission (EA), Early Decision (ED), Restrictive Early Action (REA), Rolling Admission, and Regular Admission 
  • A captivating personal statement, supplemental essays, and medical-related essays 
  • Tips for acing the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)
  • How to tackle the CASPer
  • Activity list highlighting your achievements
  • Organizational skills to help the student stay on track and effectively manage the application process 
  • Q&A with counselors who specialize in BS/MD and medical school admissions
  • The Moon Prep team of experienced counselors will professionally edit personal statements, essays, and activity lists so that students leave the camp with Final Drafts, ready to submit

Course syllabus and learning objectives can be found here 

This exclusive BS/MD experience is for registered Moon Prep students only. 

Moon Prep Students:

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