How Old Do You Have to Be to Search for Scholarships?

By Michaela August 7, 2020 Press Scholarships and Financial Aid Summer Plans

Searching for scholarships isn’t only a game for seniors anymore. Did you know there are external scholarships available as early as kindergarten and as late as graduate school? External, or outside scholarships, can be used at any college, making them the most flexible financial aid option out there. 

Moon Prep counselor Michaela was quoted in College Money Tips article on who is eligible, saying:

“While starting a separate savings account for college is the solid solution, you also have creative options to grow that account. I recommend beginning the search for external scholarships as early as possible. They can be used at any college, and are available as early as age 10 through graduate school. Since most of these early scholarship awards are dispersed in a check rather than directly to a college, this is a great way to augment your savings in a college account.”

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