College Updates For The 2022-23 Admissions Cycle:
University of Toledo’s BACC2MD program’s deadline has been pushed back this year to January 3rd.
University of California school applications are due November 30th.
Underclassmen Timeline
This month, every underclassman at Moon Prep received a Fall Update email tailored to their grade in school. In addition to their meetings with their counselors and medical mentors, these quarterly emails keep students progressing forward on a timeline and accomplishing tasks early in a strategic plan of action to maximize their early years before senior year. This allows the college application process and essays to go smoothly and with much less stress.
Our Early High School Checklist is a great resource to use for a check-in to make sure your student is on track. The key to accomplishing great things is breaking large goals into smaller manageable pieces. That is where a Moon Prep mentor can help. If an underclassman in your household is considering applying to BS/MD programs in the future, schedule a free consultation with us to see how we can help guide those crucial early years. Come learn from our BS/MD experts!
Eliminating Student Loans
For many years, schools that stated they “met every dollar of student’s need” simply meant that they offered the same need-based aid as every other school. Recently, there has been a positive shift among some colleges to actively set students up for success after graduation by extending merit aid, meeting need-based aid, and adopting a no-loan policy for all students. For students potentially facing a future with years of loans ahead of them, it is worth a look to see which schools are adopting this new policy.

Test Optional?
We are still in the early stages of navigating the new test-optional landscape of college admissions. And while many articles encourage students to go test-optional, it is important to consider all sides to this decision. In some cases, the lack of a score removes a hard parameter to accept students, leaving the decision up to the personal (and subjective) decision of the individuals on the admissions team. Read more about everything going on behind the scenes with test-optional policies.
Colleges To Add
After the November 1 deadline passes, many seniors are understandably burnt out by the number of essays they have already written and the many essays they still need to write. Now is a good time to re-evaluate your college list. Use our college list resource to ensure your college list is well-balanced. Every student needs a strong application deadline strategy!
If you are in the position, like many of our Moon Prep students, of considering adding a few schools to your college list with no extra effort, check out our article on Forbes: Over 40 Colleges Without Supplemental Essays 2022-2023.

For underclassmen, it’s time to be strategic about how you spend time outside the classroom during the school year. Thankfully, we have you covered. Registration is now open for the Winter session of Rising Researchers, Machine Learning for Health Equity Research Intensive Camp. This an 8-week (January 9 – March 23) online research class under a researcher from UMass Amherst. The course is designed to provide you with an introduction to statistical and machine learning techniques for understanding, finding, and explaining health equity gaps in electronic health records data
The best part? Students receive 2 college credit hours and there are no course prerequisites, 9-11 grades are encouraged to apply.
