Richard S
Richard strives to empower learners to write with passion and professionalism by helping them engage with subject matter and composition techniques in ways that are meaningful and interesting to them.
Idaho Falls, Idaho
BA, Literary Studies, BYU Idaho
MA, Rhetoric and Composition, Boise State University
TESOL Certificate, Idaho State University
PhD. English and the Teaching of English, Idaho State University
Richard believes that while a teacher can only succeed as much as a learner allows, there is still much a teacher can do to motivate, direct, and assist students. He believes that telling students what to do is less effective than helping them understand better ways of writing that they can replicate in a variety of rhetorical situations. He recognizes that writing is an iterative process with countless possibilities for success and failure. As a counselor at Moon Prep, Richard emphasizes asking good questions, explaining underlying concepts clearly, and using pertinent examples to help students progress along their academic and professional paths.
In addition to mentoring students as a counselor for Moon Prep, Richard also teaches first-year composition for the College of Western Idaho and Idaho State University. His assignments revolve around helping students find topics they’re interested in, plan appropriate strategies for those topics, and write with specific audiences in mind. These skills apply to his work at Moon Prep, where he assists students in finding personal, pertinent approaches to their essays that fulfill and exceed audience expectations.
While Richard’s recent work history involves teaching in higher education, his professional identity was partly formed by other jobs he’s had through the years: his dozen years treating invasive weeds in Jackson, WY, taught him leadership, physical fitness, and proactive problem-solving; his tutoring in the Reading Center at BYU-Idaho and the Writing Center at Boise State University taught him the importance of making personal connections with students and meeting them where they’re at; his audiobook narration taught him technology skills and the importance of presentation. These and other jobs have made Richard a well-rounded, hard-working professional.